Leadership; Anti-bullying; Character; Respect; Tolerance; Peer Pressure; Goal Setting; Integrity; Importance of Education; Discipline; Adapting To Change; Accountability; Teamwork; Life Lessons; Failure; Success Strategies; Time Management; Focus; Homelessness; Depression and Anxiety; Self-love; Making Good Choices And Decisions; Overcoming Odds, Adversity and Challenges; Vision - Seeing One's Self In The Future; Thinking Positive; Aiming High; Dreaming of Success; Diversity; Citizenship.
Derrick Lassic, Super Bowl Champ Dallas Cowboys; Bobby Jackson, New York Jets Hall Of Fame; Renee Kelly, Former Women's Pro Basketball Player; Muhammad Modeen Shamsiddeen, Seattle Seahawks RB; Larry Johnson, Former Vice President of IBM; Duane West, Nationally Acclaimed On-Air Motivational TV Personality, Founder and CEO of this program.